04 December 2020
Say Hello to Google Pay & fitbit
Comhar Linn INTO Credit Union now offers Google Pay and Fitbit Pay.
Comhar Linn INTO Credit Union is delighted to announce a significant enhancement to our Current Account service with the introduction of Google Pay and Fitbit Pay.
Our Current Account members can now add their Debit Card to Google Pay and Fitbit Pay digital wallets, making it easier for those preferring to use their mobile phone and/or Fitbit watch to make Contactless payments.
The use of digital wallet payments provides a safer more secure way to pay that removes the need to handle payment cards, touch physical buttons or exchange cash. It’s the modern way to pay, particularly given the times we live in. And the good news is with our Current Account, you can tap away in the knowledge that Contactless payments are free.
To set-up Google Pay and/or Fitbit Pay, just download the app, enter your Debit Mastercard details by scanning the card or entering the details manually, and submit a One Time Passcode. Use wherever Contactless payments are accepted. You simple hold your mobile phone and/or Fitbit device near a payment terminal to make a Contactless payment.
If you are interested in switching your current account with Comhar Linn click here to register online today.