14 November 2022
Avoid scams and unauthorised activity
Comhar Linn INTO Credit Union has put together up-to-date information on the most commonly used financial fraud campaigns and tips on how to avoid falling victim to fraudsters; full details can be found by clicking the links below.
If you ever suspect any fraudulent activity on your account, please contact our office directly at 01 8731101.
Fraud Awareness: Your Current Account
Card-safety advice, guidance on shopping safely online, and tips on becoming more password-savvy.
Fraud Awareness: Students
Advice for parents and students on the dangers of 'money mulling', and how to avoid student rental scams.
Fraud Awareness: Spoofing; Phishing; Vishing; Smishing
Learn what these terms mean, know the signs, and discover how to avoid falling prey to scammers.