Savings Account
Why Save?
Salary/Pension Deduction
Flexible loans at competitive rates
Easy access to services by phone and online
Free life protection on savings and loans
No hidden charges

Things to know about your savings account:
All members hold a saver account with Comhar Linn INTO Credit Union, this is known as a Special Share Account. Saving with the credit union is a little different from saving with other financial institutions. Your money is invested in helping yourself and fellow members to borrow at competitive interest rates.
- Savings are called shares
- Each share is equal to €1
- Minimum of €5 in account to be a member
- Earn an annual dividend, proportionate to number of shares over the financial year
- Dividends rate is determined by surplus funds and approved by members at AGM at the end of the financial year
- Dividend is liable for DIRT (Deposit Interest Retention Tax)
- Members can save up to a maximum of €100,000.
- Joint accounts are available
- Online Card Payments

Life Savings Insurance
In the event of a member’s death an insurance payment related to your share balance will be paid by our insurance company, CUNA Mutual. The amount is related to your age when depositing the shares, and can be as much as twice the amount you have saved in your account.
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